Do you need advice about your relationships? I have found that many people need help with their relationships, but don’t know where else to look. Let me offer some advice. There will be many people who are willing to offer you advice on relationships, but you need to ask yourself if their advice is helpful.
My experience has shown that professional counselors, as well as many others, don’t always offer the best advice. They are trained to assist people in their specific areas. Here’s an example of why I recommend you seek professional help over talking to a friend.trial separation checklist
Here’s an analogy.
Would you prefer a licensed general contractor to build your home or an individual who builds homes as a side hustle? You would hire a licensed general contractors. Let’s go one step further. Do you prefer a general contractor who is new to the industry or one with years of experience? You would probably choose someone with more experience.
If you are looking for advice about relationships, which is the most important thing in life, why not ask a licensed professional? You would be wise to seek professional advice, whether you need advice about parenting or marriage.
Here are some tips to help you find the right counselor or therapist.
- Check that they are licensedIf you call them, remember you’re the customer so it’s a good idea to inquire about their qualifications. Are they licensed? How many years have they been practicing? What are their specialties? How many sessions per week do they spend with clients on average? These questions are not expected of therapists. This is where cautionary tales should be taken. Make sure you only meet with someone who is a specialist in the issue you seek help. If a therapist is specialized in many areas, it may be too dispersed.
Talk to your friends, religious leaders or co-workers. It is not uncommon for people in today’s society to seek professional help for their relationship problems. Asking someone you know, who has gone to counseling, or your local religious leader for advice is a great idea. Many of my clients are referred by friends and religious leaders.
- Find out how your counselors are connected to their professional organizations.A licensed professional is a member of the designated association. It’s always a good idea for counselors to be found in your area via the professional associations website. I am a member the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists. You can find out more about me at and look up my name and areas of expertise. This is one way to learn more about a therapist, before you call him/her.
- Find out if they’ve published articles or written books.To get the best relationship advice you can ask. Although not all professionals can write articles or books, someone who has written about your particular needs is more likely to be able to help.
Here’s an example of how professional therapists address these issues. I listen to my clients when they call me for advice about relationships. I can refer them to another qualified therapist if they need help with their child. My specialty is working with singles and couples who need relationship advice. These are my areas of expertise. These topics have been the subject of books and online relationship tests.
It is a good rule of thumb to spend as much time researching as possible when you seek out help for your relationship. It is worth investing the time to find the right therapist and researching your relationships.