Every parking space is unique and every layout is distinctive in a way. However, there are a few important elements that can be applied to every lot you see that will assist you in completing the task at the top of your game and with speed. This article will assist you to save time and money Parking Lot.

The first step is to have an idea of where you are! If you’ve not previously been to the site then make sure that you know the location you’re headed to. Don’t waste gas, time, or money searching for the spot where you’re supposed to be.

The most efficient way to start the moment you arrive is to explore the whole lot. Even if you’ve already seen the area before but it’s always an excellent idea to keep clear in your mind the things you’ll need in order to finish the task. This will help you avoid omitting any painting you’d like to be finished.

If you’re arriving in the dark, you should locate an electric pole or another lighting source to park your vehicle near. This will help you see, but also make your equipment more visible to thieves and discourage them from stealing it. It’s also a bad idea to park in a location where you have to walk over your freshly applied paint after leaving.

Set up a procedure. If you are working with someone else, make it sure you know who will be doing what. The best way to do this is to not be talking after you leave your truck to load equipment. Unfortunately, I’ve only experienced this experience with only one person. From beginning to end we were both aware of what had to be done and who would perform what and we didn’t have to talk about it each time, and I didn’t have to hold their hands or manage them in a micromanage. Efficiency is essential.

“Get that blue one down!” If the marking needs another coating of paint (i.e. an handicap icon) and you own two parking spaces, you must do first so that the first coat dry correctly. The order of operations is crucial. It is important to be in and out as swiftly as you can. Make your stencils blue, then paint your dividing line for double stalls and then stripe the single stalls in a row in a continuous manner, moving from the right side to the left in the parking area. Once you’ve finished this the dividing line will generally sufficiently dry to be able to stripe double stalls. After that, you can do any other stenciling work. Then, you can paint the handicap symbol.

Once you’re done painting, pack up and head to into the parking area to ensure you’ve not missed anything. If you’ve got an operator for you striping equipment, it’s possible to play around and double-check before loading. In either case, you should not forget anything. If you’re leaving and notice that you’ve left out even one line or mark, you must stop and take it off, and then paint it! It’s better than coming back to finish the work. It’s all about honesty. Don’t make a mistake. You can have parking areas striped fast but still be able to do it right.

One of the most crucial things is to create your own strategy. Everyone approaches their parking lot striping in a different way however these suggestions can help you strip more effectively if include them in your strategy. Enjoy striping

How to stripe a parking lot Fast and Effectively